Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sunday 4th Nov

Coleraine club was the venue for the latest joint sailing between coleraine and the university club.  There was an good turnout of people but only three boats, with a family piled into a Mirror and three beginners out in two wayfarers, though they got pushed aside as a rivalry for river supremacy emerged between me and Steve.  Boats collided at speeds of up to 0.0005 miles an hour, as always there were a few hairy moments, as my t-shirt was a bit on the small side.
Wind was.... not really making its presence known, enough to get down the river (which is, erm, kinda flowing that way anyway), but not to get back! T Brolly stepped in to tow us back with Denz. Davie promises toasties next weekend, and there was talk of a seniors vs students racing showdown in the pipeline.  All in all, a pretty good day! Hope for more wind next week. Sharon brought her topper down as well, its got a bit of bling, which erm, well, yeah, a bit of topper bling. Stickers. Sigh...
See you on the water wednesday!
'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'


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