Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Coleraine Yacht Club events for December


SANTA SUNDAY This will be the last sunday of racing before Christmas day. All members taking part must wear an item of clothing or antlers to represent Xmas. The race should start at 2.30pm and there is mulled wine and mince pies afterwards in the club house. It is possible that Santa will make an appearance so those of you with very young family members can bring a small present for Santa to deliver.


MEMBERS NIGHT. This will take the form of a Bottle Draw some party snacks and maybe Music (This has to be confirmed by the new Commodore). The prizes are for those tickets purchased on the night. The more you buy the better the chance you have of winning.


sailing today 28-11-07

Well, when the shipping forecast says:

Shipping forecast 1130 Wed 28 Nov
Wind South 4 or 5, veering northwest 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8.
Sea State Rough becoming very rough.
Weather Rain then showers.
Visibility Moderate or good, occasionally poor.

Its time to give sailing a miss!! Im open to suggestions for
alternative entertainment this afternoon, if peeps want to meet up,
perhaps hit the SCR, do some boat repair or anything like that,

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sailing Wednesday 21-11-07

Wind: Northerly 5-7, perhaps 8 later
Sea State: Moderate or Rough
Weather: Rain or Showers
Visibility: Moderate or Good

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Weather tomorrow (14/11/07)

Hey guys its looking pretty wet tomorrow and the shipping forecast today is not so hot either, with a gale warning and force 5-7 winds, rough sea etc.  However, tomorrow is supposed to be lightish winds so if its not too rainey, we could still arrange something.  Update to follow tomorrow morning


"You cannot solve a problem by thinking the way you thought when you created it."   Einstein

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday Sailing Nov 11 07

A better turnout for sailing this sunday!!  It was sunny if a bit chilly and there was decent wind in patches, though it was a bit changy sometimes.  The bling topper got its first outing and showed it can move pretty well!! Also out was a club laser and another topper, plus a wayfarer, and Amy in a throwback Mirror with a kid, so all in all, good sailing!! As to who won, we never found out, cause the stuff hadnt got put on a laptop or something.  When I know, you'll be informed, except if i sucked, which i think i did, in which case i wont say the results, which i havent yet...
Warm toasties afterwards really hit the spot, and there was a good crowd around the bar, though several people went on early.  Twas especially nice to see Tom in the wayfarer ruling the waves, he's been kind enough to do rescue boat for a while now, so if there are any people out there with powerboat level 2 who could take turns on rescue boat and even out the load while getting good experience, come on down!!
Weather looks good for wednesday, watch this space!!

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sailing today

And now the sailing forecast issued by the diabetes phd office, on behalf of the university sailing club, at 9.03 on Wednesday 7-11-07.
Its looking like 13 degrees centigrade, 17 mph wind, westerly direction, good visibility, so sailing is definately on today!! We will be sailing at coleraine yacht club though, as portrush will likely have quite a swell and also be more exposed to the wind.  Start time is 2.30, meet outside coleraine yacht club.

For any one going for the first time,  to get to coleraine yacht club from the university by car, go out the main entrance and turn right onto the cromore road, as if going into coleraine town.  Turn right again at the boulevard, go to the end of the road and turn right, and the marina and yacht club will be on your left besides the council buildings.  To walk from uni, cross the field behind the Riverside theatre to get to the portstewart road where the rugby field is, then turn left and you'll see the council buildings almost immediately.
Wetsuits are available for those who dont have one, but bring your own footwear please.

See you there!!

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Wednesday (7-11-07) forecast

The forecast for wednesday is looking like force 3-5, gusting 6, visibility good, clouds with a possibility of showers.
In other words, could go either way, stay tuned for an update tomorrow.
 Sunset is officially 16.39, so going to have to start early as possible, providing weather is ok.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sunday 4th Nov

Coleraine club was the venue for the latest joint sailing between coleraine and the university club.  There was an good turnout of people but only three boats, with a family piled into a Mirror and three beginners out in two wayfarers, though they got pushed aside as a rivalry for river supremacy emerged between me and Steve.  Boats collided at speeds of up to 0.0005 miles an hour, as always there were a few hairy moments, as my t-shirt was a bit on the small side.
Wind was.... not really making its presence known, enough to get down the river (which is, erm, kinda flowing that way anyway), but not to get back! T Brolly stepped in to tow us back with Denz. Davie promises toasties next weekend, and there was talk of a seniors vs students racing showdown in the pipeline.  All in all, a pretty good day! Hope for more wind next week. Sharon brought her topper down as well, its got a bit of bling, which erm, well, yeah, a bit of topper bling. Stickers. Sigh...
See you on the water wednesday!
'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'