Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Season

Welcome to the sailing club blog for 2008.
Here you can find information about future events, as well as make
suggestions or leave feedback on an event. First on the calender is
the swim tests, either this thursday or next thursday. Email for
details. Also there is the come and try session next wednesday, from 5
to 8 pm at the watersports centre. Bring warm clothes and wet gear if
you have it!!

Committee's are cul-de-sacs down which good ideas are led and quietly strangled

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday's Sailing 10-02-08

Another Sunday, and weather was extremely decent for once! The wind
was up and down Force 2-3, and the current was quite strong, so it was
one of those 2 laps and you're done jobs. Alas, we found that using a
plank as a centreboard means you cannot sail against the wind, so we
had to use engine power!!! 4 boats in all, with new recruit peter on
his first ever sail (Woohoo!!!) in a wayfarer, joined by another
wayfarer, a topper and a laser. Weather for wednesday is lookin sunny
(woohoo) but freezin and also totally windless
( but that could
change so stay tuned!!

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Clean up prosponed

the clean up has been postponed to one of the dates below (depending on suitability)
If we have enough people this should take no more than 3-4 hours perhaps even 2!

New dates
Wednesday 13th February – 1.30 / 2pm

Wednesday 27th February – 1.30 / 2pm

Saturday 16th February – 1.30pm

Saturday 23rd February – 1.30pm

could everyone please email me at to let me know the dates that would be most suitable for you. thanks

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

clean-up and burns night

Hi guys,

Are you available the first weekend in Feb to take part in a clean up
of the water sports centre with all the other watersports clubs, it
will be a good way to meet and socialize with everyone in your own
club and the others club maybe we should bring all the booze the club
owns to the BBQ (see below), it may also be a good way to get our club
back in motion again. It is important that we get the water sports
centre sorted out so I hope you all will make the effort to come...

Also there is still sailing every sunday at 2pm at coleraine yacht
club (CYC). CYC is also hosting a burns night next saturday (26th Jan)
with haggis, booze and plenty of other non-haggis foods, its a good
way to meet the rest of the CYC memberes espically if you would like
to crew in the yacht races when they start in spring. Let me know if
you are interested so i can send numbers to Davy.


'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sailing Wednesday 5-12-07

Sailing conditions look pretty much perfect today!!!!
Meet at coleraine marina at 1.30!!!!

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Coleraine Yacht Club events for December


SANTA SUNDAY This will be the last sunday of racing before Christmas day. All members taking part must wear an item of clothing or antlers to represent Xmas. The race should start at 2.30pm and there is mulled wine and mince pies afterwards in the club house. It is possible that Santa will make an appearance so those of you with very young family members can bring a small present for Santa to deliver.


MEMBERS NIGHT. This will take the form of a Bottle Draw some party snacks and maybe Music (This has to be confirmed by the new Commodore). The prizes are for those tickets purchased on the night. The more you buy the better the chance you have of winning.


sailing today 28-11-07

Well, when the shipping forecast says:

Shipping forecast 1130 Wed 28 Nov
Wind South 4 or 5, veering northwest 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8.
Sea State Rough becoming very rough.
Weather Rain then showers.
Visibility Moderate or good, occasionally poor.

Its time to give sailing a miss!! Im open to suggestions for
alternative entertainment this afternoon, if peeps want to meet up,
perhaps hit the SCR, do some boat repair or anything like that,

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sailing Wednesday 21-11-07

Wind: Northerly 5-7, perhaps 8 later
Sea State: Moderate or Rough
Weather: Rain or Showers
Visibility: Moderate or Good

'Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.'